Back Into the Game
9th Edition released in July of last year, after it dropped, I played a couple games with friends and then took a break from the state 8th Edition had left me in. During the break I moved onto other things and my collection of Orks sat comfortably in their foam padding, dreaming of the WAAAAAAGH!
Then, in September of this year, Gamesworkshop released the new 9th Edition Ork Codex. With it new weapon types and updates to some of my favorite units. The rules changes brought with them much disdain, but also activated the deep, green, primal part of my brain. I began pouring over the rules, a review of which can be found here, and started making lists.
the next Weekend my Orks heard the thunderous roar of the zipper, as their case opened and the sunlight spilled over them. I removed them from their comfy coffins and set them up on my table, rusted metal gleaming, eyes wide with glee ridden fury. Ready to do battle against the eternal terror that are the Necrons.
Below I’ll go over the list, what worked, and didn’t on the Orks’ first foray into combat in the newly modified 41st Millennium.
The List
Patrol Detachment 0CP (Orks)
[61 PL, 999pts, 3CP]
Clan Kultur: Deathskulls
Big Mek w/ Kustom Force Field [5 PL, 90pts]: Grot Oiler
Warlord Warboss [5 PL, 105pts]: Might is Right, Attack Squig, Da Killa Klaw, Kombi-rokkit
2x Boyz [10 PL, 162pts]
. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga
. 17x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa
Fast Attack
Shokkjump Dragstas [5 PL, 85pts]
Warbikers [8 PL, 125pts]
. Boss Nob
. 4x Warbiker w/ Choppa: 4x Choppa, 8x Dakkagun
Heavy Support
Mek Gunz [9 PL, 135pts]
3x Mek Gun: Smasha Gun
Dakkajet [9 PL, 135pts]: 2x Additional Supa Shoota, More Dakka
Game One
We shook of the rust and both deployed conservatively, I won the roll to go first and moved my Warbikers out along the long edge to flank and contest an objective near my opponents deployment zone. I sent my Dakka Jet up the center of the board, hoping to use it as a distraction. I kept my other units in the back field, moving my boys out onto either objective on my side of the board and planting flags with Raise the Banners. Shooting is where it got a little crazy, My Dakkajet has the Kustom Job More Dakka, and I rolled a 6, allowing me to fire each of its 6 Supa Shootas two additional times! this gave me 108 shots into a band of group of 15 Warriors. Thanks to some good rolling, I wound up only killing 4 of them, but this drew attention away from my other units.
On my opponents turn I learned how weak the Warbikers were as his Skorpekh Destroyers dove head first into them. cutting away any hope they had of being a battering ram. The rest of his shots plowed uselessly into my Dakkajet, and it is here I would like to thank Deathskulls’ 5+ shrug, as I was able to push off 11 or so wounds on my 12 wound airplane. with his shooting depleted, it was time for my turn 2.
On my second turn I moved my Mek Guns into Position and shot holes in his Destroyers, then started moving my boys up field behind cover, trying to avoid his lines of assault. My Dakka Jet flew itself into a corner and unleased another 72 shots into his group of immortals, killing all but two. my shock jump dragster was not feeling up to much this game and, at this point had rolled two shoddy advances and was sitting around the mid field, just taking up space. I didn’t do much this turn, but held my objectives, and was able to start whittling away his heavier hitters.
He gallantly returned fire, bringing my scrapjet to two wounds, and my jet down low as well. But I was able to survive the assault for a second round. Hemorrhaging only what remained of my bikers before he decided to charge me. his attacks bounced off the hull of my Dragsta and in return I killed one of his warriors foolish enough to run into its saw blades, but with his troops in range, I knew it was time to strike.
That’s when I called The WAAAAGH, which souped-up my Boyz, making them hungry for war. My Shockjump Dragsta backed out of the way as a wave of green crashed down on the poor warriors, and on the other side of the field, another wave of green crashed down on what remained of his Skorpesh Destroyers, along with my Big Mek, who decided to get into the fray. with The WAAAAAGH called, the orks made little work of the robots and my points lead was too high.
My opponent conceded and we went and got Pizza. All and all a good first showing for the Orks, lucky rolls all around, and a fun time