Des-Trukk-tion From Above


The List

++ Total: [59 PL, 998pts, 6CP] ++

Clan Kultur: Goffs

+ HQ +

Ghazghkull Thraka


+ Troops +

19x Ork Boy w/ Slugga & Choppa

. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga

11x Ork Boy W/ Shoota

. Boss Nob: Choppa, Slugga

+ Heavy Support +

Battlewagon: 'ard Case, 2x Big Shoota

+ Flyer +

Dakkajet: 2x Additional Supa Shoota, More Dakka

+ Dedicated Transport +



The Game

We rolled off and set up the battlefield, I placed as much as I could out of 1st turn LoS and lost first turn, this is where things started going bad.

Turn 1

My Opponent the roll off and moved his Tesseract Vault to the mid board, This brought it inline to hit my units with all its weapons, as well as its C’Tan Powers. He proceeded to unload everything into my Trukk, Ghaz and Makari.
Thankfully, Ghaz and Makari were left almost unscathed. My Trukk however, was not, Even though he was only able to shoot with his T-Vault, my Trukk was completely destroyed, sending the 12 Trukk Boyz inside onto the battle- field. My Turn one comprised of me calling The Great WAAAGH!!! and moving all my troops forward, trying to get Ghaz into range to charge and start krumpin’ some Robots. at the end of my charge phase, Ghaz, the Battle Wagon, and the 20 Boyz that disembarked were all ready to charge forward at the enemy.

Successful Charges

After all the dice were rolled, one group of Boyz made it into combat with the remnants of the Skorpesh Destroyers my Dakka Jet shot into and My Battle Wagon was able to get into engagement range of the Tesseract Vault. This combat phase is when my opponent rolled 14/16 4+ saves and his Skorpesh Destroyer lived, and took 8 boys out fighting Back with its Lord. I lost 3 Boyz to morale, and my Opponents Turn 2 began.

Turn 2

My Opponent teleported his Skorpesh Units out of my group of Boyz and killed all but 6 of them with his Immortals. His Flayed Ones came out of Deep Strike and Engaged with my Boyz on the back objective. At the end of this combat, both groups of Boyz were gone, Makari, and my Battlewagon were at half health and my opponent controlled 3 of the 4 objectives. with 60% of my list missing at the start of my turn 2 and absolutely no way to take out the Tesseract Vault, as it still had full health. I gave my opponent a shake of the hands and thanked him for coming out. All in all it was a great game. If Ghaz had got into combat turn 1 I think there may have been more to do, but being down so many troops sealed my fate. I am excited to see what lists we take on next time.


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